John Adams Institute, The Netherlands
Media & Public Engagement
Research in Context
Dr. Miller-Idriss' research has always focused on post-secondary education settings and the transition to adulthood, especially for vulnerable and at-risk youth. After working in the school-to-work movement in the 1990s for the Cornell Youth and Work Program, the Center for Learning and Competitiveness at the University of Maryland, and the Maryland State Department of Education, Miller-Idriss returned to graduate school and earned a Masters in Public Policy and a Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Michigan. She then spent a decade on the faculty at NYU before moving in 2013 to American University. At American University, Miller-Idriss spent six years as an Associate Professor and Professor in Sociology and Education, before moving her tenure line in 2020 to the School of Public Affairs. She is now Professor in the School of Public Affairs and the School of Education.
In Germany, Miller-Idriss spent over twenty years studying vocational schools and their impact on working class national, global, and extremist identities. In the US, together with a team of colleagues at the SSRC, she spent over a decade studying the production of knowledge about world regions in the US university sector, focused on the Middle East and its neighboring regions: Eurasia/Russia, South Asia, and Central Asia. In her current role, Miller-Idriss is focused on designing and testing out-of-the box intervention ideas to prevent and disrupt radicalization to extremism. Her research lab at American University, the Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Lab (PERIL), offers evidence for the field of education, prevention and counterextremism on what works, with a focus on interventions that are community-based, victim- and survivor-centered, and oriented toward non-carceral solutions.

Conference Keynote in Mainz, Germany

Appearance on France24’s The Interview

Appearance on NBC’s Today Show

Conference Keynote in Mainz, Germany
Public Engagement
Miller-Idriss started her career in public policy, and as an academic now, she is committed to trying to connect research knowledge with practitioners, policymakers, and the general public. She serves on the international advisory board for the Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX) in Oslo, Norway and is a member of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)'s Tracking Hate and Extremism Advisory Committee. She is also is a non-resident fellow at GWU's Program on Extremism and Berkeley's Center for Right Wing Studies.
Miller-Idriss has testified before the U.S. Congress and regularly advises US and foreign government representatives on issues of far right extremism, white supremacist extremism and terrorism. She frequently shares expertise with journalists for major national news outlets globally, including both print and broadcast media. She is previous co-director of two global research networks, on radicalism and violence and on youth extremism.
Miller-Idriss has extensive experience advising clients on a range of issues related to the modern, transnational far right, changes in strategies and tactics related to youth radicalization, recent transformations in extremist youth scenes, and a range of issues related to evaluation methodology, multi-site research design and strategic decision making in higher education. She is a part of the Duco expert community (see Duco profile here.)

Miller-Idriss serves on the international advisory board of the Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX) in Oslo, Norway, and is a member of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)'s Tracking Hate and Extremism Advisory Committee. She is also an editorial board member for Brill's Global Populism book series, an editorial board member for the journals Contemporary Sociology and Kultūras studijas/Cultural Studies, and an advisory board member for Journal for Deradicalization.
She serves regularly as an external reviewer or expert advisor for foundations, federal agencies, and fellowship competitions, most recently for the French Ministry of Higher Education, the Austrian Science Fund, the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, the NYU Abu Dhabi Humanities Research Fellowship Competition, the American Academy of Berlin Residential Fellowship Competition, the Open Society Foundation, and the Russian Science Foundation.
Editorial & Advisory

Media Appearances